The Spanking Stories - #2: Memento Morey

The Spanking Stories - #2: Memento Morey By Zen …

faking lesbian to avoid annoying guys

Samantha had just started working at the warehous…

Phoenix Rising & Crystal (Two stories)

This is a double bill. Phoenix Rising and Crystal…

Cumlord Stories: A Morning With the Cumlord

Images of writhing, naked bodies; sensations of g…

The Lesbian Debt (Chapter 39) - The Expose

Chapter 39 THE EXPOSE Inside The Secret Life Of …

Lessons Learned (the pre_story)

Nick = handsome, sweet sincere guy with a dark si…

Tamriel Lore, Story number 1

Tamriel, dawns beauty In the language of the Altm…


Tom awoke to the delicious feeling of Julie kneel…

Night Skies_(0)

This is supposed to be the intro, but it depends …

Russian Spies

You are bound and tied to a chair. A single ligh…