Boss's Night Out!

A Boss's Night Out--Call him lucky! by Rogerme …

A Wife's Story 7 - Finding Apollo

There's a male strip club, Studs I'll call it, be…

A wife's story 6 - Cloe and Alexus

Cloe and I went out back to their pool. Since the…

Stockholm - Part 4

Day 4 Part 1 The next morning, Madame X opened u…

Hard Day's Night

Macy heard the front door slam from upstairs in h…

New lease on life

Really don’t know how to start, but I’ve got a st…

Carnval Series Mid Cape Hyannis

Bobby’s second full week of carnival life was nea…

Stranded at Sea: The Storm (Part 2)

Morning came and I awoke to find myself alone in …

Stockholm - Part 3

Day 3 Part 1 Madame X woke up the next morning a…

Stockholm - Part 2

Day 2 Part 1 Madame X awoke the next morning, ea…