My story on anal play (pt 2)

This is a continuation from my hood experiences t…

Treasure planet gay story

A spasm of hurt rippled through me with such sudd…

Extre lessons

In high school I was not exactly the most popular…

The story of Peaches and Sweetpea Part 2

Neiladri Sinha Jr. :- We wrapped up the shooting…

Night Moves_(0)

I sneaked cautiously through the dark house to he…

Sean - A Night-Club Conquest

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve nothing against discos; …

My fucked up story part 1

When I turned about 5 or 6 I relized I could mani…

Late Night Date Night

Late Night Date Night by Georgia Greene Alic…

School Series-I'm a Virgin!

Enjoy ;) School Series-I'm a Virgin! "…

Night games (3)

For my 13th birthday my parents got me a 4-wheele…