4th chapter of my story

Six months later Tony and I left school, he went …

Studying alien species_(0)

Edwin has been in his space pod for about a month…

Little slut nicci - con't

When I woke up the next morning I was alone in be…

Seed of Horror - The Series

To my loyal fans, I have great news! My story "Th…

Department Store Shocker

Department Store Shocker My name is Tom and I a…

Jason, Laurie, and Nicole

This is a fantasy I’ve wanted to write about for …

The Barbie Lez Fantasies - Week 65: Celebrity Sex

Author's Note 1: These short fantasies started of…

A Story of Squirt and Wit

Part I It was another warm spring Saturday…

Another Teen Story Ch 1

Carrie woke up that morning, it was a new day, an…

A Stranger in the Night

A Stranger in the Night I’m lying on my stomach …