Elevator Stranger II

I sat waiting for the bus to show up; I was a ner…

Another New Conquest

The restaurant where the luncheon meeting was to …

My new Me with Her P1

I was walking from college tired and hungry. Well…

Our New Relationship

Rachael stumbled as she was led across the floor.…

Tim and his new bike

Tim Greenwood jumped straight out of bed after op…

Neighorhood Slut Mom

Neighborhood Slut Mom Chapter 1 By J…

Some Training Needed

Some Training Required Amy was sitting in fr…

Gay sex at the beach!

I know I said I was going to write about my night…

Tracy Loves Sex lot of Sex

I walk into the room taking you in my arms and ki…

I'm Not A Stereotype

I’m Not A Stereotype by Maya Hatashita as told to…