Anna's new house Chapter 1

Anna came bouncing out of the title business, new…

Vanessa's New Life Part 10

This is part 10 of my Journal. I started writing …

My new-found toy

It was 3.15pm when I first heard the plaintive vo…

My slutty sex slave

Hi! I'm a girl, but I'm going to write the point …

The Stone Part 2

Part 2 Chapter 4 Back to School. Monday…

New Found Love 2

I’m Jim and at the time this took place, 5 years …

Writings of the Devils Messenger: Bedtime Story

I have been extremely busy here as of late so I h…

Will's new old home: Part 1

Rachel gazed through the peep hole she had drille…

The Stone part 3

Part 3 Chapter 6 If you want to find girls... A…

Summer Sex - PART 2

The sun shined through the crack between the curt…