Sex Stories Chapter 2:Near miss 2 with Jackie back seat Diana grandma car

After this Diana hock me up with her best friend …

A new mistress 7

Natasha stuck her tongue in my ear and whispered,…

New Found Love 2

I’m Jim and at the time this took place, 5 years …

Rewriting History (Part One)

I've been happily married for twenty years and I …

a new Mistress 3

I had become obsessed. Natasha was all i could t…

Stolen Pleasures

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A New experience

Anita was so excited on Sunday as she was to atte…

Thoughts on Storytelling: Introduction

Every day I see the internet virtually inundated …

Imma a sex addict

Hey my names ryan cash im 24 year old now and a w…

Super Sex Machine

Several years ago, I had just gotten out of my fi…