My life as store toilet

MY Life as the Store Toilet I liked Samantha, my …

Jake and Jane - Stranger Sex

Jake and Jane - Stranger Sex It had been a long …

Department Store Shocker

Department Store Shocker My name is Tom and I a…

New england summer, pt 2

Chapter 2. The Roommates I found the address she…

Sex with my step brother

The first time I saw my step brother, Eric, I pop…

History With Miss Martin

Warning: This is a long story with a slow build-u…

a different video store

We have a local video store that also has a theat…

New school, New beginnings 2

I awoke a week later, at 6am to find my house emp…

Yes, Nudists do have sex!

I woke and quickly glanced out the window. Damn!…

The nap Of Our New Slaves

A couple of notes: This introduction contains no…