My life as store toilet

MY Life as the Store Toilet I liked Samantha, my …

72 Hours of Lust - Part 3

72 HOURS of LUST Part 3 Traci slept until almost…

A Short Love Story Pt. II

A Short Love Story Pt. II It was a while sin…

Biker Lust... The Beginning

It was a warm fall day. I was riding aimlessly a…

Memories of Suburban Sex

Memories of Suburban Sex: Part 1 How it Started:…

Bands of Lust Chapter I

Bands of Lust Chapter I Gym class was a wast…

lust and what it brings

One summer in my past I had a girlfriend, I had a…

july 1982 Rednecks Lust

It was just another hot July, Friday night in Oca…

A highschool love story

I was a normal sophmore in Highschool. The only e…

Story of a closet-sadist

I'm a 33 year old man from Finland, living a more…