Ellen & Steve 2: & Rick

Ellen woke up to the doorbell, confused and with …

Sara Saves The Earth

The rain beat against the windows as Sara stretch…

latest obsession #2

hey guys, its me again. yea i know its been a few…

Mac and Lisa’s Bet

I’m Steve McKenzie, pretty much everyone calls me…

Boyfriend Sex Pt. 1

Please excuse the misleading of the themes, all t…

Nerves, Shivers, Cum

The panties were tight. My legs and underarms wer…

The Shy Lonely Man

My name is Gareth and I am 35 years old. I'm 6'1”…

Sally's Secret Lover

Sally's Secret Lover by Author Unknown Chapter …

Best Friends Ch.02

Naira let out a soft pleasurable sigh, she’d neve…

Last Night at Camp

ok it was about 9 or 10 at night the last day of …