Vampires suck cock

Vampires suck cock Edward and Cullen are 2 vampi…

Pure Strip Poker - 3

I picked Mary up at her dorm the next night and w…

Pure Strip Poker - 2

Three weeks later Mary called. She must have gott…

Pure Strip Poker - 4

Chapter 6 Flowers and a Phone Call My heart stop…

Just to Get By IV

A weekend flies by before I know it. I’ve been sp…

Kitten's New Life

I'm reading when the pilot announces we are about…

Such Good Friends

SUCH GOOD FRIENDS Chapter three—Teeny “Mark! Ti…

Marie's Pantyhose

“Hi, mum!” I called out as I entered the front do…

Her Stalker (Part 1)

Author's comments: This is a story of fiction, th…

Last nights dream...

As I lay there in the dazed feeling of just wakin…