S.H.E.I.L.A. 10

I had been going through Sheila's code for a few …

Such is life 6

My 18th birthday had come and gone. I didn't know…

the last night

Everyone knows that the last night of camp is the…

Such is Life 9

Fast forward quite a few months now. We had been …

Such is Life 8

Jump ahead to almost an entire year since she I m…

Such is Life 7

I was now covered in tattoos. Despite the fact th…

Lydia's Ordeal

It was just past one and Lydia was tired of the c…

The Stranger_(0)

I wrote this story mostly for myself because it's…

Lost Empire 66

0001 - Tempro 0003 - Conner- Thomas 0097 - Ac…

Just Perfect 2

Her giggles slowly turned into moans as she conti…