The story of Peaches and Sweetpea Part 4

Neiladri Sinha Jr. :- Why it had to happen this …

Setting up Lucy-Conclusion

When Howard got home that afternoon, he found Luc…

Hallie's Tutoring Lesson 1

I was sitting at my desk grading a few papers whe…

Flying the Friendly Skies_(0)

The jet left Baltimore International Airport on t…

Predator Series: Chapter Six: Sadophillia

After having my fun looking over her body I took …

The Fender Bender (a short story)

[u]The Fender Bender I was creeping in Atlanta …

Kate's Last Day

Small Disclaimer in case people somehow don't alr…

Street Lights - 5

The garage is dimly lit. The walls are practicall…

lucas's love 2_(1)

So I got to my knees and I took Jason's dick in m…

lucas's love 2_(0)

So I got to my knees and I took Jason's dick in m…