My stepsister Lisa

We used to swim in the pool and she loved it when…

Jessica's Torment

Jessica’s Torment I really shouldn’t do this; …

Little Slut Nicci

I was so anxious for Daddy to come pick me up cau…

Sweet Little Sluts

I was in San Diego Californa and just got a Job a…

Power Rangers Sex

A car comes to a stop outside a restaurant. It is…

Cult of Sexuality

Thursday morning, 9am Southern City Police Statio…

A Moment In A Storm

There was no sound other than the drip-drip-drip …

Gill A short story

Gill We left the relative shade of the peristyle…

Dan's Story part 2

You really need to read Dan’s Story posted on 2 N…

Special Story Time

"Daddy! Daddy! It's bed time. You know what that …