My friend's dad 7

"Callie I know I just got you pregnant and that w…

The Breeders Life

The Breeders Life Chapter 1 My name is Sarah I …

John’s Last Summer

At fifteen, John Lawrence was a normal teenager w…


Part 3 As i play with her hole her hand leaves my…

St Agatha's (part 2)

St Agatha’s (Part Two) Stella’s mind was in a wh…

Seduced By Miriam

It was a gorgeous early evening in the Mid-Atlant…

Express Service_(1)

This is a simple story of a young man on a crowde…

study at my place

She was nine when I moved in, a spidery little , …

Public but Secret

D'alliance by Dalli I don't know how this ever s…

Their Second Taste

Their Second Taste An original true story by Sta…