Unexpected Twist - part 2 Janes sex tape_(1)

Carla has just finished telling her story of lesb…

How my fascination with sex started pt. 1

UPDATED!!!!! Hi. My name is Crissy. I'm a 19 ye…

Secret Lives of King Togo Island (Part 2)

Chapter 7 I looked at my watch and realized it w…

Sisters By The Pool Part 17 (Series Finale)

[To my faithful readers - I have decided that the…

Realising im a Lesbian - Part Six - Sex Songs?

Once Nikkie woke up we went downstairs and I cook…

Secret Lives of King Togo Island (Part 1)

Chapter 1 As the plane started its final descent…

Unexpected Twist - part 2 Janes sex tape_(0)

Carla has just finished telling her story of lesb…

Former Playboy Playmates Part 2: Diane's Story

Author's note: This part of series involving fict…

Carole's Story 01 - Growing Up

For those of you who have not read any of what I …

My sexy step daughter (Part 1)

My relationship with my step daughter did not sta…