Husband uses a sex device for his wife

A man wants to have sex with his wife, he turns o…

Becoming a Sex Slave - The Cortez Brothers

Becoming a Sex Slave - Part 1 By Alice J. I am…

My Sweet Little Marie VI - Final Chapter

Mark had been feeling lust along with guilt latel…

Tales from a Small Republic - Tayna's Story

After the recession hit the small Republic and ma…

Cousins Our Story Part 7 or Cousins young Love

I have retrived this story from google cache so t…

My girlfriend's little sister retold_(0)

It all started on Thursday morning. I just arriv…

Chapter 10: Iris and Gary (Nancy Series)

Nancy had just returned home from work when her y…

Cousins Our Story Part 2 or Cousins Young love

To prove Cousins our story is a stolen work I wa…

Character profiles for upcoming story.

Jessica’s story At the age of 25 I’m looking the …

Pillbox Sex Dungeon - Chapter 2 - Dungeon of Love

Chapter 2 - Dungeon of Love So the couple had be…