Kat - My Sex Life Part 3

I was driving home. What had I done? I just had s…

Kat - My Sex Life Part 5

I couldn’t wait to meet up with Mr. D'Angelo. Tha…

Longer Sex Jokes A-Z (4)

Clinton dies and of course goes straight to hell.…

Longer Sex Jokes A-Z (8)

A man and woman were dating and he asked her to m…

Longer Sex Jokes A-Z (6)

Late at night this guy runs into a pub and demand…

Longer Sex Jokes A-Z (1)

A man and his wife go to their honeymoon hotel fo…

Longer Sex Jokes A-Z (7)

Two men waiting at the pearly gates strike up a c…

jasons life story cont.

CHAPTER SEVEN After tina’s wedding and graduation…

100% True Stories That Happened as a Teen

First Summer Vacation in my Aunts House... Me: 1…

Sex Jokes A-Z (2)

Q. What do you get when you cross Raggedy Ann and…