Sex Times Three

Sex Times Three by Veronica My boyfriend and I h…

a love story_(1)

This is my first story, so enjoy! For Lilly     …

Apologetic Sex

I felt him before I heard him. Taking a deep brea…

Late Night Sex

Its midnight and i wake up with you sleepin besid…

Love/life sex story of me pt. 2: A time of love and plague!

The love/sex life story of me 2 Hello, my name's…

Fae sex

Bradersidhe stood out in his favored field waitin…

A Little Death ( A Miranda & Victoria Story)

The entire week of the joint iCarly/Victorious ep…

Sex Diaries: Night with the ba

Cindy slid out of bed and gathered her scattered …

Sex Lives of the Super Wealthy

Sex Lives of the Super Wealthy By Greg The cen…

Furst time sex with little sis

This is a true story. I won't go into all the nit…