Symbiotic sex plant

They drag me violently through the white halls of…

Mom's wild sex life

My dad's wife Jody, sat on the bed and started to…

Conference Sex - Jenn's Story

"I'm just saying," Dan said quietly, "conference …

Neighbor sex diaries ch. 1

this is chapetr one of the neighbor sex diaries, …

Stories of Davis Hall 3: Fingered

(...the day before) “So, Brook, I understand …

Stories from Davis Hall 2: Lynn's New Home

Keep in mind, I’m a girl, and I’m also not a lesb…

Lovers Story

Hello my love, I've come to your office to s…

Star Wars Sex

Stars Wars Sex Story (c2016) ver 1.3 by Anonymou…

The Sex Tutor

My husband Frank and I have a great relationship…

Lover's Story

They were two lovers who were destined to meet, W…