
ow them to me?" I said. "Well yeah, I’ve been doi…

Jodi's Story Part 4

Jodi's Story Part 4 …

Jodi's Story Part 5

Jodi's Story Chapter 5 …

Jodi's Story Part 6

Jodi's Story Part 6 …

Olivia's Prom Night Memories

I was sixteen when I started dating my first real…

A Drive-In Story_(1)

I was working for an auto repair facility that re…

Living With a Stud

I had just shut off the TV after the college foot…

Jodi's Story Part 2

Jodi's Story Part 2 …

Memories chapter 5

A year later we arrived back in England at Ports…

Fun at The Sex Cub

Tom is with his long time friend Liz who is about…