Jake and Jane - Stranger Sex

Jake and Jane - Stranger Sex It had been a long …

Yes, Nudists do have sex!

I woke and quickly glanced out the window. Damn!…

African Captive for Sex

Mindy Rutledge graduated from college with a degr…

The Vamporient Sexpress

The Vamporient Sexpress The year was 1956, the pl…

A Short Love Story Pt. II

A Short Love Story Pt. II It was a while sin…

new dom/ parking lot sex

The idea of a 2nd Dom has been on my mind lately.…

Seed of Horror - The Series

To my loyal fans, I have great news! My story "Th…

Robert's Story Chapter 7

CHAPTER 6 After The Game Pulling into the g…

A highschool love story

I was a normal sophmore in Highschool. The only e…

How I learned about sex

This all started when I was 13 years old and my b…