A Small Service

Yorkshire, England, a good few years ago. A Smal…

Reading to Liz

Reading to Liz Chapter One When I was a teenage…


19 MORE BUT FOR WHAT "Jeff, it seems like yo…

My Life Pt 3_(1)

This is part 3 of ? I am going to keep writing.…

The Lumberjack

THE LUMBERJACK BY ROBBY SR Fred finished his sh…

Lydia's Ordeal

It was just past one and Lydia was tired of the c…

Power Struggle

" Don't touch me." Trish hisses. My hands wrapped…

Business Sense

The world was very small for Tina Wells. She went…

My stepsister_(0)

My name is Nate I am 31 yrs old. My mom just rema…

Opening Laurie

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