Camille loved sex

Camille loved sex Camille Stephens’ sex life…

Sex Train

Sex Train This is one of those stories that no o…


Hi everybody. I am Prakash Patel, now in Ahmedaba…

The Store

This Story evolved from a Role Play with a friend…

Secret Lives (Pt 1)

‘3 months stuck in the apartment! I can’t believe…

Pet Story

Pet Story There she was again. She always…

Sex with a stanger

I had been in NYC for 2 weeks and had managed to …

Boy Meets Man -Changing Short Stories|Mitchell|

So it begins: This is the tale of Mitchell and th…

Love (And Sex!) In The Time of Zombies

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 1 - The Begin…

Mom's liberation chapter 4

Mike pulled into the drive, Ruth's minivan was th…