Sex in the city - Chapter 2

Immanuel had witnessed the protest, had a single …

Sex in the city - Chapter 1

Immanuel Calley wandered through the now dimming …

Sex kitten in the making

She had been spending almost every weekend at our…

The secret life of Emily

Emily Davis sat on her bed holding the card. Simi…

Can We Survive Moe's Story

Can we survive VII Moe's story cont. Ralph and T…

The Historical Viewpoint

10:14 am Thursday Mark felt like he was playing …

Second Chances - Part Last

Early the next morning, Ben was already getting r…

Starting a life together

I must be a real pervert because I really enjoy w…

The MONSTER #2 - Her STORY_(1)

The Monster #2 Her Story – Part One An Introduc…

Emma Seduces the Plumber

Emma seduces the plumber Hi my name is Emma. I h…