How my sister became my sex slave. Intro

My name is Adam and my sister's name is Mary. I a…

Underground Sex 1

Sarah Walmin stared down at her shoes as she head…

A Trucker's Story

I've been an over the road truck driver for twent…

Love (And Sex!) In The Time of Zombies

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = Chapter 1 - The Begin…


Jaya is 34 never married Muslim woman from Syria,…


Khristi knelt on the deep carpet while he stood b…

Family Secrets: Beth's Story

I sat there fingering my ring, trying to think bu…

Mom's sexy friend

My mom went out of town for the weekend with her …


John was your slightly better than average Joe. …


The Customer, a fat little balding man, got out o…