Poker turned to Strip

Flashback time: This took place several years bef…

Ian's New Girlfriend

On a late Saturday night, Lacey was lying on her …

The Stepsister Part 4

The next morning, I woke up to sis just getting o…

Kate's Christmas Job

Mark says... A few Decembers back, facing the pr…

The Secret Encounter

It all started at an "after party" one windy nigh…

A Kanker gets her man


Harry's Magical Wand

Harry's Magical Wand A Harry Potter Fan Fiction W…

Stranded at the mall.

Stranded at the mall. Lisa Looked around her in a…

A Stalker and her Prey

A Stalker and her Prey: It'd been going on fo…

Katie Quinn, the Slut

It all started on a school day not unlike most ot…