Treasure planet gay story

A spasm of hurt rippled through me with such sudd…

My real life story Part-4

Let me just paste few lines from My Real Sex Life…

general store

Growing up I had a lot of fun times with a lot of…

Story of Creation Chapter 2

Authors Note Ok this is the second installment, a…

Story of Creation Chapter 1

Authors Note Im planing on this being a long stan…

The Real Story of Hermione

Hermione Granger was not the type of girl to slee…

Acele: A Newhalf Story

Acele—A Newhalf Story A scene you are familiar w…

The Story of my life

6:00am I woke up hot and sweaty  I look at my pho…

Christmas Story Five

NOTE: These Christmas Stories have nothing to do …

The Neighbor (Story 1)

Well, it was probably when was nine, but me and m…