Symbiotic sex plant

They drag me violently through the white halls of…

Sex games 5 part 1

I apologize to my readers. I renamed this series…

Sex and the Church.

Three couples, an elderly couple, a middle-aged c…

After Sex Ed class.

Robert Randolph stood in front of the full length…

#herStory. Chapter 1.

Chapter 1. First night. Admiring herself and smil…

Sex With My Sexy Aunt

this is Waleed(name changed). I am 22 years old….…


I was 17, not nearly ready for my first semester …

A few short stories

i was in the hot tub with two incredible girls. t…

Internet Sex Match

A 32 year old woman, her 49 year old mom, and a 3…

Lyn's sex education

On Friday afternoon I got home early from a busin…