Family guy porn story

It was the middle of summer at Quahog, the heat h…

Allison's Story Part 2

the story continues. Allison makes herself at hom…

Heather's Morning Jog

Heather looks amazing on her run today wearing he…

Sex Club 1 - Initiation

Sex Club level 1 - Initiation It was the mid…

X-Change Short Stories.

I am a writer gathering success and horror storie…

At The Gym, A True Story

This Story contains man on man sexual activity. …

Deadly Sex Games CH 2

Sally never knew his real name. It was only "Deat…

Deadly Sex Games CH 4

By now she was hooked. It was like an addiction. …

Slaves (the whole story)

Slaves Chapter 1: Introduced to the Art Len…

Deadly Sex Games Ch. 9

Sally was able to escape Harold’s cabin after he …