Irene learns about sex

We lived in a rural community with my s having gr…

Cheryl & Christine - Together

Cheryl and Christine – Together My sister-in-law…

My sex adventure with two girls during Navratri

“Number of abortions rise in Gujarat a couple of …

Michelle's Sleeping Bag

“Greg, you’re gonna miss the turn!” “Huh? Oh, ye…

The House Slave Training & Auction Chapter 17 and 18

Chapter 17 The Training is over Master-T I loo…

Sleeping with Strangers

Why was I the one my boss decided needed to go on…

My introduction to sex

I had gone to bed at nine thirty as usual but aft…

Chelsea's Persuasion [3]

I woke up to something pulling at my teeth. From …

Repopulating the Earth

The year is 2053 and the human race is no more. W…

Charity Starts At Home : Chapter 2 : Entertaining Guests

When I woke up the next morning I was pleased to …