my first oral sex

I had my first oral sex experience with a german …

Sex with a Red Witch

Sex With A Red Witch Having spent some time abroa…

Cult of Sexuality

Thursday morning, 9am Southern City Police Statio…

The Song Bird CH1

CHAPTER ONE The day had been tiring and my mind …

Educating Melissa

Educating Melissa Dominic had always been a bit …

Dog Sitting Boner

I work at a large bank in the accounting departme…

A Moment In A Storm

There was no sound other than the drip-drip-drip …

The Changeling Ba

"Come away, O human ! To the waters and the wild …

My sexy teacher_(0)

The bell rang. My teachers name was Ella maya. Sh…

Malpractice Chapter 3: My New Stomping Grounds REPOST

Chapter Three My New Stomping Grounds THIS IS A …