The Sexy Stranger

After work I always go on an evening jog through …

Summer Sex - PART 2

The sun shined through the crack between the curt…

My very sexy life ...the beginning of the end

It was the night before my first day of pre-kinde…

Sex is in the Air!

“OH FUCK!!!!” Stacy screamed as, her boyfriend Ja…

Uncharted territory chapter 2

This is the second chapter in the series which di…


copyright: Lesley Tara, 2010 It is the annual a…

Extra Credit: Spring Semester

Word had gotten out about Marlena’s encounter wit…

Sex Education in the Ozarks

Howdy folks, my name is Wendell Buford, and I liv…

secret sexy meetings PART ONE

Ever had the feeling that you loved your spouse o…

Turning Poing Ch. # 9

Turning Point Ch. # 9 Robert is about to reach a…