Sex shop girls

I had been working in savannah G.A for several we…

Jan chapter 5

Jan Chapter 5 HOME WITH HEIDI “Ugh, ugh, ugh, u…

Nurses' stories

I'll share a story that happened to me about 15 y…

Changing pt. 5

Time for part 5. Ready for another go? Part 5: S…

Falling Ch. 08

Chapter 8, In which I share too much information …

Falling Ch. 04

Chapter 4, In which I get the girl -- and the guy…

Good sex life

I completed my schooling from the boarding school…

Hard Stabling

The barn was beautiful in the late afternoon sun.…

Falling Ch. 05

Chapter 5, In which I am not a slut I was feelin…

My 1st K9 Sex

I’m Jan and would like to share my taboo sexual a…