The First Day of school series: A week later

That first day of school was a great day. I thou…

The Barbie Lez Fantasies - Week 67: Phone Sex

Author's Note 1: These short fantasies started of…

my sexy cousin_(0)

This is the story of how I and my cousin Lucy end…

Victoria Station

A last check around the house,everything was read…

The Light...a story about love, life and death in WW2 Japan

Ashes flicked off the end of his cigarette, the e…

sex genie edited

I had just got off work and was standing in front…

Lovely Sexy Wife

Lovely Sexy Wife Any stories I read about cu…

Lust in a hostel

Lust: Mark Anderson was a 18-years old handsome …

Smurfy Sex part 1_(1)

I would like to give credit where credit is due, …

Smurfy Sex part 3

Rina's tongue went deeper, and deeper with each f…