Moms Sweet Soiled Panties

Ive always been adicted to jacking off. From the …

Mom Sent Me Nude Pictures

Fbailey story number 732 Mom Sent Me Nude Pictu…

Sissy 103 the graduation

As I walked back to Georges, knowing that I would…

Little Girl made wetsies!

“I KNEW I should have went potty before I left sc…

Great Start To a Weekend.

I wake up, get out of bed, walk to the bathroom t…

Revenge, Pt 8 : Name Games_(1)

IMPORTANT This is a new account for superkev123, …

Revenge, Pt 8 : Name Games_(0)

CHAPTER 8 She really was a fast learner. I liked…

Friend's 21st Birthday...._(0)

It was an experience that I will never forget. I…

Missy: Day Thirteen - The BBQ

Day Thirteen - The BBQ The picnic table we had o…

Here Comes Summer (re-post)

Here Comes the Summer I’m now a 57 year old …