African Pirates - Journey into Sex Slavery

The perfect paradise cruise had turned into a nig…

Our Story Ch.7 *Final Chapter*

That night I tossed and turned not able to slee…

Serious Mistake Going Sailing

I’ve been divorced for 6 years now and in my mid-…

Only Girl in School Ch 1: a Frankel story

Only Girl in School Ch 1 I really liked Frankel’…

Carols nephew comes to stay

Carols nephew comes to stay BY Docker5000 Carol…

Stoner Lovers

The herb on the table was fantastic, a brilliant …

Night Session

Echos of Adona's heels could be heard on pavement…


….I loved my uncle Chad. Ever since I was little …

Sunday Part 1

I woke up to her rubbing my stomach and below my …

A Likely Story Chapter Two

CHAPTER 2 - THE PLOT THICKENS I knelt on the fl…