NaruHina highschool sex story

It was another boring day at Konohagakure, known …


It was about 7PM when Julie finally awoke. Her as…

daddy's daughters diaries part3

Disclaimer All characters in this story are ficti…

Allison's Story Part 1

This story is set in a Future America. the story …

Hot Sex in Dark Alley

There she was; a petite, curvy, dark haired woman…

Allison's Story Part 2

the story continues. Allison makes herself at hom…

I had sex with my dog.

It was a long day at school, the first thing I al…

A 100% TRUE story of how I had sex...Pt.3

“So, you’re finally ganna fuck a girl,” my friend…

Family Guy Sex Story?Brian and Jasper

It was the middle of summer in Quahog, the heat h…

Memories of A Gay Boy part 3: Vanilla

Intro: In the dark hours of the night, Tokyo scre…