Plump sexy mother in law

I really can’t explain what the attraction to my …


Small Mercies Part I Her I'm late...…

Cult of Sexuality-Part 3

It was my job to guide Steven through the doctrin…

Story of My Unfortunate Life - Chapters 1 & 2

*Chapter 1 ------------------------- April 16th, …

(Re-Edit, Much better I promise ;)) Sexy Teacher

Sexy Teacher By Suphilyne A young boy walked…

The Barbie Lez Fantasies - Week 48: The Interspecies Threesome (Part 3)

Author's Note 1: These short fantasies started of…

Bk 1, Ch 9: The Final Tally

Chapter 9: The Final Tally The next few hours p…

starts as an ordinary day

It’s a beautiful spring morning and you wake earl…

My Test

Mindy's Test for Me Hi my name is Curtis. My…

How I Got Back In TheGame

After my wife died, I sank into a kind of funk. …