( 10 ) Steve gets a load of new guys this time

The last long weekend at Steve's had earnt us $15…

Sex Jokes A-Z (2)

Q. What do you get when you cross Raggedy Ann and…

Sex Jokes A-Z (3)

Q. Did ya hear about the new "morning after" pill…

Sex on the Train

Tom has been in Edinburgh for a business meeting.…

Sex Jokes A-Z (5)

Q. Did you hear about the napping? A. Yeah, he w…

Maybe Next Time?

"I don't think you get it," says Henry. He slowly…

Time With Daddy

Jacie lay in bed as she played with herself. She…

Night Time Delight

My youngest son is attending the University of Te…

That Time I Died

I was unpopular for my whole life. 18 years of be…

Dangerous Times

Dangerous times Most people think that they are …