Sex and the school gril 3

After Ann left I started to think about my life, …

A Hot night of summer sex

A Hot night of sex in the Summertime in The Woo…

Making a public sex movie.

My two friends and I talked about if it would be …

story of a masocist pt 1

My name is Dante Scorpius and my mistress is Mari…

a friendly farewell part1

We’d been neighbours for at least 14 years now an…

Daughter & Friend Seduce Dad

Abigale or Abby as she was better known by her cl…

Some of Samone's life story.

Samone was a young black girl of 22. Her mother h…

My Addiction to Oral Sex

My Addiction to Oral Sex By Draggonfly …

Simpson porn Story: I Spy_(1)

“This is perverted”, Lisa told herself as she cre…

My sex life with my parents

I am 18 now and with hindsight I was about 4 or 5…