lessons for slave girl

Hello all this is my first post I hope you all en…

A guy and his...? 65 Escape?

Jake Freemon - Main character …

Toman of the Cherokee 9

Naci and I emerged from the Teepee that Pops and …

My fisrt gay encounter

This memory origionates from the 22nd January 200…


I am Jon, in my mid-thirties I moonlight as a hig…

The Beginning of the End_(0)

She took a slow, deep breathe a…

Daddys Luvly Heather 1

Ever since my beautiful daughter Heather had hit …

The Elf Ranger and the Wolf

Eshenesra pulled the travelling cloak tighter aro…

Love Potion Number Six

“The only thing worse than a boy who hates you: a…

A Battle For Sexuality

WARNING: WARNING: WARNING!!! This story is very …