An apologetic E-Mail

Sometimes things happen in life that shouldn't. …

My Endearing Angels

“Daddy!” Emma’s voice echoed through the Livingro…

Sister Lends a Hand

The following is inspired by a true event that ha…

3 Evil Sisters-Part 3

The house was quiet for the rest of the day. I di…

My Sis-n-Law Part 2

Well, my sister-in-law and I finally had a chance…

C'mon Sis, Let;s Fuck

C'mon, Sis... Let's Fuck. Cassidy had walked in…

LEXI Chapters 1-6_(0)

LEXI Lexi was just two weeks past her 18t…

eyes to a new world

(boomboomboom) was all I heard at the door and my…

My Last Breath Ch. 1

Amelia My breathing sounded heavy in the dead s…

An Evening of Bliss

**This is an excerpt from a much larger story tha…