The Boy Who Lived Down The Street (Part Two)

“Riley, do you want us to wait? Or are you guys g…

The Lost Angel

"Anyone? No? It's from the Revelation of Saint Jo…

Was It A Dream?

You are working hard, and don't notice that someo…

Game of Love_(1)

Luke was tired of waiting. He had known he was ga…

Montherly Love

true story, i think about it everynight before i …

Laura. Part 3_(1)

We got back to the table where Darlene, Joe , San…

Family of Love

Allie smiled as she felt her husband cock begin t…

The lust act_(0)

Amanda Parker was a 37 year old divorced woman. S…

Learning Tempo

It had been a crazy week for Stephanie Francine G…

Pyro and Ravin

-so fellow goths punks and rejects Pyro and Ravi…