Cindy's Little Bump 2

2 Howard lay propped-up in his bed afterward, fi…

My life 2_(1)

Me and Kayla were in love. A month after our sex …


Hello my name is Roger Gance and I am a dead man.…

Life long TV

Hello all you sexy readers! I'm Lori, a transvest…

Love Never Fades [Edit]

This is an edited version of the previous story, …

Cum, little Lauren, pt 2

Grampa woke very early, as he always had, and fel…

Nigger Life

My name is Joe. I’m a 50 years old black man, liv…

Cindy's Little Bump_(1)

1 That night wasn't the first time he'd stepped …

Dangerous CNC On-line Experience

Dangerous On-line Experience By Jax_Teller Thes…

Close Your Eyes Little Girly Boy

I sit on his stomach, looking down into his big h…