lesbian story

Lesbian Story It was Shannon’s first day of seni…

My Gay Tale 2

Things were really getting serious with me and Ar…

Do you want to see me for real?_(0)

My name is Dave; I am a 36 year old business man …

Morning sex_(1)

Celeste left my bedroom at 2 am going back to her…

story of sarah

Town Square is looking awfully busy tonight. The …

Lauren's Story

The year I turned twenty-three didn’t start out v…

Sex Ed Lesson

Sex Ed Lesson "Come on boys let's take our seats…

My Gay Tale 3

I was left alone and feeling very bad Aron was no…

do as i say 3

I am 18 when this all took place Chapter 3 A…

Sex Pet Part 1

Please leave nice comments. This is the first sto…