Camille loved sex

Camille loved sex Camille Stephens’ sex life…

Me, My Life and Sex

Hi, my name is Jill and I just turned twenty-two …

Mother-In-Law Sex

Mother-in-Law Sex (Inspired by the sexiness of m…

Junior Sex Club 7

I found a much better rewritten version of this s…

Desert Motorcycle

'Oh dear', you think as you get out of your car. …


******************** Original DRC manuscript: 08-…

Undeniable Desire

All summer, I found myself going over to John’s a…

Sex in The Forest

It’s so hot outside, I peer out of the window fro…

Chapter 2: Skinny-dipping (Nancy Series)

Skinny-Dipping Paul had a small convertible sport…

The Motorcycle Diaries: Daddy's Harley

The Motorcycle Diaries: Daddy’s Harley Copyright…