Sexy locker room experience

I'm 16, 5'10 and I weigh about 150 pounds. I don'…

The Adventures of Sir Doris

Sir Doris admired his reflection in the steel mug…

Stone the Crows

Stone the Crows Pffffftttt. Nothing. Pffffffff…

St. Anne's Sexy Boarding School

Author’s Note: All my standard disclaimers apply.…

Kinky sex with my boyfriend (in progress)

"Hey sweetie what movie do you want to watch?" I …

Daddy's Panties Parts 1 and 2

daddys panties I’m Blakely and Frank is my stepda…

A short, boredom caused story

I got bored. This story may or may not get a chap…

Seize the Day-1

Seize the Day-1 You stopped by for a visit. Afte…

Bk 2, Ch 2: The Calm Before the Storm

Chapter 2: The Calm Before the Storm After that f…

sex and the high school gril

Hi my name is Jim and Ann is my friend. I first s…