sex in school part 1

At age 42, I've worked as a custodian at a small …

My First Sex Part 3

Part III (In part one and two I describe how I lo…

Power Rangers Sex 2

As soon as the two cross the threshold to their s…

A Date in the Skies

Hey everyone. This is my first ever story, so ple…

Predator Series: Chapter Four: Call me Master

If you would like to keep up to date on the story…

Predator Series: The Beginning: Chapter 2

CHAPTER 2: Fear Settles in aka: Scared shitless …

Cowgirl's Real Story

In rodeo, dangerous loses… Reckless s… I am Lizzy…

Diaries of a Soldier - R&R (part 3)

Diaries of a Soldier - R&R (part 3) I …

Sex Trafficking: Part 7: Carla and Sam’s Story Begins_(2)

Carla had been regarded as one of the prettiest a…

Sex Trafficking Part 6: Jeff and Anita’s Story Begins_(3)

Bradford was used to having the dominant role in …