How bad could it be anyway? corrected

My name is Marcus, my friends call me Mark. I spe…

Caught Parking I

I have restricted the comment section to members …

The River_(2)

The River …

Cat girl Charity - the beginning.

Readers, welcome to the new series I hope will be…

Galactic Vendetta Chapter 01

Warning: to readers this story features themes of…

Ticonderoga – Episode 1: Adrift

Ticonderoga – Episode 1: Adrift Cast of Characte…

The Terror of the Incubus

What is it about the night that amplifies our fea…

Wish Granted

WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adult…

A guy and his..........? (1)

Authors note: I have't written in 20 years please…

The Collar

Brian Miller was 32 years old, and had been happi…